What is MICE?

Bukchon Hanok Village


MICE is an acronym for Meetings, Incentives Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions/Events.



Meetings encompass a range of gatherings aimed at exchanging ideas, facilitating discussions, sharing information, and establishing social networks. These meetings may not meet the criteria for a convention but must have at least 10 participants in total. They are conducted at official meeting facilities, hotels, and condominiums, with a minimum duration of 4 hours.

Distinguished by hosting organization and key participants
Association/Society Meetings: Meetings held by Associations/Societies
Government/Public Meetings: Meetings held by Government/Public Organizations
Corporate Meetings : Corporate Incentives Meetings are included in Corporate Meetings
Other Meetings : Meetings which do not fall into the above categories
Distinguished by participant nationality and number of participating countries
International Meetings : Meetings with over 10 foreign participants in attendance (over 4 hours)
Domestic Meetings : Meetings with less than 10 foreigners in attendance (over 4 hours)

Incentives Travel

Incentives Travel refers to purely incentive travel and incentive travel meetings awarded to the organization members on their achievements, with more than 10 foreign inbound participants, staying at a local accommodation for a minimum of 1 night.

International Incentives: Incentive travel or incentive meetings with over 10 foreign participants in attendance (staying a minimum of 1 night at a designated accommodation facility)


Conventions refers to various meetings held to exchange ideas, discuss, information exchange, and establish social networks. It includes meetings held by government and public organizations or associations and corporations with a minimum of 10 foreign participants with a total of 250 participants, held at official meeting facilities, hotels, and condominiums for a minimum of 4 hours.

Distinguished by hosting organization and key participants
Association/Society Conventions: Conventions held by Associations/Societies
Government/Public Conventions: Meetings held by Government/Public Organizations
Corporate Conventions: Corporate Meetings includes Corporate Incentives Meetings
Other Conventions: Conventions which do not fall into the above categories


Exhibitions refers to various exhibitions held for the purpose of conducting sales, promotion, and marketing activities targeted towards distributors, traders, consumers, and the general public. As an exhibition according to the Exhibition Industry Development Act, it includes trade exhibitions, consumer exhibitions and combined exhibitions which last for more than one day.

Distinguished by Type
Trade Show: Exhibition centered on buyers and industry members for the purpose of pure commerce and trade
Public Show: Exhibition focusing on product introduction and promotional activities for the general public
Combined Show: Exhibition combining the characteristics of both a Trade Show and a Public Show
Distinguished by participating organizations and participants
International Exhibitions: An exhibition according to the Exhibition Industry Development Act with over 100 registered foreign buyers, includes Trade Show, Public Show and Combined Show (lasts more than 1 day)
Domestic Exhibitions: An exhibition according to the Exhibition Industry Development Act with less than 100 registered foreign buyers, includes Trade Show, Public Show and Combined Show (lasts more than 1 day)

Source: MICE industry statistical survey and research (Korea Tourism Organization)

Events refer to events held at a specific location during a specific period for a specific purpose.

Overseas events from a tourism perspective
From a tourism perspective, overseas events refers to any and all activities that contribute to destination marketing, image building, and tourism revitalization by utilizing events related to culture, leisure, and sports as attractive factors to create demand for foreign tourists.
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